Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Teriyaki Boy

The movie was such a welcome Christmas treat that we decided to extend our fun by having a quick merienda at Teriyaki Boy which was at the ground floor level of Cash & Carry Mall.  We had some gyoza, chicken tebasaki and yaki soba (noodles).

I was a bit disappointed with the gyoza, as I had wanted fat and firm gyozas, but instead had to settle for thin and flimsy replicas (P122).  The flavor was okay though, and I wondered if the cost consideration was the basis of the flimsy texture.  The tebasaki was a new dish (P225), and this one was twice fried, very flavorful and the meat was tender.  Serving portions though, are still muted, almost had a fast-food feel to it.  The yakisoba was edible, but it was nothing great.  We spent something like P240 per head.

Teriyaki Boy started off some eight or ten years back with a big splash--I remember people were lining up to taste the food at their Glorietta branch, which was perceived to be of bang-for-the-buck quality.  Store seating was good for around a hundred twenty to a hundred fifty people, and even with that size, people would queue at noon.  After a series of re-branding and retro-fitting moves, the people at its parent company, the Pancake House Group, have re-positioned the restaurant to serve the casual dining set with smaller mall-based outlets.  I'm not too convinced that the bang-for-the-buck is still there now; I'd probably pay a bit more for bigger servings and better ambiance.

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