Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hai Shin Lou

Gwammy's clan scheduled the annual year-end Christmas gathering a couple of Sundays ago, and the suggested place was Hai Shin Lou Chinese restaurant along Pasay Road.  While the place has some parking slots available, we made it a point to be there at 11:30 am in order to have easy parking access.  We occupied two tables and we decided to have different menus for each table in order to have a sampling of their delicious fare.

We started off with a assortment of appetizers, and crispy Lechon Macau.  We had a clear shrimp ball soup and a thick seafood tofu soup, which was hot and tasty.  Food came in droves and we all had a grand time!  Shredded beef, glazed shrimps, fried chicken, Yang Chow fried rice, sweet Mandarin chicken, eggplant with minced pork, scallop rice with olives, stewed beef, garlic broccoli, fried squid, spicy pork and steamed fish cutlets--and it took us till 2:30 pm to finish our meal!

Admittedly, we over-ordered.  Around 7 members of the family couldn't make it for various reasons, and we had lots of take-home food.  I was very much impressed with the quality of the cooking, and the simple interiors of the restaurant.  The staff were very courteous and well trained.  The best part?  The meal cost us some P650 per head, which I thought was very reasonable considering that we were able to taste a wide variety of dishes.  Definitely a must-try place for those who would like to have good Chinese food at reasonable prices.  Two thumbs up!

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