Sunday, December 30, 2012

Abigail Spencer

* courtesy of Vanity Fair
I just love surfer girls.  Down to earth, care-free, and respectful of Mother Nature.  Last night, I watched the Jon Favreau adventure mash-up Cowboys & Aliens on cable TV, and found myself in wide-eyed interest over the gorgeous Abigail Spencer, who plays the love interest of Daniel Craig's lead character.  I made it a point to Google her to find out more information, and I found her piece My Vanity Fair Moment which brought tears to my eyes.  She happens to be the daughter of Pensacola surfing legend Yancy Spencer, and she practically grew up with a board in hand.  Surfing has been such a part of her life, and her character in the movie Chasing Mavericks was so close to home.  Being a father myself, I egg Monique to go follow her dreams--and if you believe the adage "the joy of the daughter is the triumph of the father" then her real-life story will bring tears to your eyes as well.  Go check it out!

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