Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Monique was having a great time at the Marriott, and while waiting, Vicky and I spent some time wandering about the Resorts World complex.  By 10:30 pm our tired feet needed some rest.  Luckily, Parmigiano had an empty table, and we decided to have a late dinner to celebrate the day!

The restaurant claims that they use only Parmeggiano-Reggiano cheese for their recipes, and we decided to taste the meat pizza (Tre Salsiccia) and the squid-ink pasta.  The meat pizza came in very hot, as it was just baked in their brick-oven.  Flavorful, but not overpowering.  I would have liked a crunchier crust though (I'm a thin-crust fan).

The squid ink pasta was rich in aroma, and very flavorful.  The squid ink would really stick to your teeth, and we had a fun time watching each other's black-stained teeth!  The squid rings provided great contrast with their crunch and color.

Seating was quite comfy and the staff were very helpful.  We learned from the restaurant menu that Parmegiano-Reggiano cheese was slightly different that Parmesan cheese, because under Italian law, Parmegiano-Reggiano cheese has to follow a specific recipe and production method, and must be made in specific places in Parma, Reggi0-Emilia, Modena, Bologna and Mantua.  These laws are made to ensure the quality of the cheese, and any cheese made with even a slightly different formulae or any cheese made in different regions in Italy (or abroad) cannot be called Parmeggiano-Reggiano (thus the name Parmesan cheese, as a catch-all for similar cheeses made elsewhere).

Our bill came to about P550 per head, which you can say comes at the high side considering we merely had pizza and pasta.  However, if you consider the glitz of the casino complex, and the luxury brands that dotted the mall area, this is probably a reasonable price for a quiet and casual dinner.

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