Restoring an Easy Rider
I must be absolutely nuts, spending P4,500 to restore my old easy-rider when a new mountain bike costs only P3,500. Kong bought this easy-rider for me in the early seventies, and he can still remember the smile I had on my face when we walked out of the old Arcega's Department Store along Aurora Boulevard. I had Mang Andres paint the batalla (wheelbase) with some Pylox paint, and I took the bike to the nearest bike shop for add-ons. Aside from the batalla, only the handlebar and the tenedor were salvaged, and everything else, including the seat, pedal, tires and chain were replaced. It was in that bad a condition--what do you expect for a 40-year old bike? However, today it's a beauty, and I am so happy whenever the kids ride it. Easy to handle, sturdy and practical. And with it comes thousands of kilometers of riding enjoyment (and unfortunately, some mishaps too). I love the memories and I wouldn't trade it in for any those fancy expensive bikes (some are priced at P160,000)!
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