Wednesday, December 25, 2013


I was reading an article about the top new words of the year, which include "selfie" and "twerking."  See how a language evolves so fast--new words are added everyday!  This made me remember something; if you hear the phrase "pa-banjing-banjing" in the Filipino vernacular, it just means that someone is taking his or her sweet time in accomplishing a task.  The expression is very common, and used in everyday language. The word does not come from anywhere, it was invented by my Tito Jay, an older brother of Gwammy, who was a radio announcer in the fifties.  As he used the words on-air, the expression caught on, and now has become part of the Filipino language.


  1. Really? Interesting... Didnt know that...

  2. Di ko rin alam ‘yun. I have to use it, to keep the expression alive.
